Ocimum Dolce Freca
Dolce Freca Basil
- Category: Edibles
- Hardiness Zone: 8-9
- Height: 10-24 in
- Spread: 10-12 in
- Bloom Color: Green Shades
You will be picking a winner with Dolce Fresca Basil. It produces sweet tender leaves similar to the much loved Genovese Basil but Dolce Fresca does that Genovese does not is look great in the garden. Its compact form quickly recovers from harvesting its tasty leaves for pesto or sauces or any recipe calling its great Mediterranean taste. Its quick recovery and ornamental shape makes it an excellent choice for containers. To harvest just pinch a few or a lot of the leaves to add delicious flavor to any dish.
Growing & Maintenance Tips for Ocimum Dolce Freca
Dolce Fresca Basil may be grown indoors in bright light to keep the compact habit. When planting outdoors wait till the night temps are above 50°F. Water sparingly.